Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Charley!!

It's hard to believe that Charley has been charming us, cracking us up, melting our hearts, and always keeping things exciting for two whole years now. It's crazy! It wasn't that long ago that we brought a tiny little tan baby Charley home from the hospital was it? Now he's basically a little boy! Things Charley is into these days: his brother who he refers to as "My-My", doing anything dangerous, eating berries, yelling, saying "Mommeeeee" over and over and then resorting to "Kisten!" if he really needs my attention, sidewalk chalk, going on walks, playing with every dog and cat we see, going over to "Nennie's house", wind chimes and pinwheels, watching "The Fresh Beat Band" and Sesame Street on TV, wrestling with his dad, putting sprinkles on all food, playing with basketballs,footballs, baseballs, etc., playing with water, and using his big boy potty so he can get treats. I'm excited to see all the new adventures Charley will have as a two-year-old, and I hope he doesn't get a very bad case of the Terrible Two's. He already loves saying "No!" and more recently, "No! Stop it Mommy!", so I might be in trouble... :)

Charley and I made a pretty awesome birthday cake today. He was really good at pouring in ingredients, and he even helped me wash the dishes afterwards!
Time to use "the mixers" as Charley would say.
The best part!!
and here's the finished product! Of course we added almost a whole container of sprinkles as a finishing touch.


Matt and Tiana said...

Your boys are so cute. I can't believe how grown-up Charley is. What a sweetie to help make his cake.

Jessica O'Brien said...

Happy Birthday Charley!!!! I just can't believe how big he and Miles look! So cute!!!

So happy for you and your family. :)